
Skilful and mobile for living well by governing complexity


The text is part of the publication “Autofficina Futuro,” a choral research work by professors and students of the School of Design Politecnico di Milano to define the interactive overview of mobility in the future, presented at the Autos, Art, Architecture exhibition at the Guggenheim in Bilbao within the Foster Foundation. In the text, the authors try to define the design’s role in providing new perspectives on enabling a "person-centered mobility system" in the next future. The assumption is that you do not simply want to provide solutions that solve someone's problems but enable everyone to use their skills while taking into account the differences and various conditions that allow people to express those skills. It emerges that any new solution will need to consider three essential requirements: comfort, safety, and sustainability.


Zurlo, F., Maurer, D., & Pei, X. (2022). Skilful and mobile for living well by governing complexity. In L. Collina & I. Bollati (A c. Di), Autofficina Futuro. Un panorama interattivo sulla mobilità che verrà. Electa.