



We are a research group in Strategic Design We tackle complex innovation challenges enabling the design culture
  • Here’s our D+S 2024 wrapped!
It was an intense but great year of achievements and growth, but now we’re off to a new start 🚀

#strategicdesign #designplusstrategies #designculture #research #design #designstrategies #businessdesign #polimi #researchgroup #design #2024wrapped
    3 weeks ago
  • The second chapter, “The evolutionary role of Design in organisations: an interpretative framework”, of our book “Strategic (Multiform) Design, is written by @cabicaut. Find out more in the post.

The book is now available on Amazon 📚

#StrategicMultiformDesign #MaggioliEditore #strategicdesign #businessdesign #designstrategies #designplusstrategies #research #design
    4 weeks ago
  • (Eco) Sistema Design Milano is a research project conceived and funded by @isaloniofficial, under the scientific supervision of the and with the support of the of @polimi. This initiative aims to conduct a systematic analysis of a globally unique event that unites two pivotal forces: the Salone del Mobile, an international catalyst and accelerator of business and design culture, and the Milano Design Week, a vibrant panel of events that transforms the city into a global stage for creativity and innovation. The research was carried out by a multidisciplinary team led by Professors @zurlo_f and @caufield, with contributions from @carla_sedini and @filippo_parolini_ of our research group and @francescoleoni059 and @masbia of The Design Policy Lab and @polifactorypolimi. Constant support was provided by @susannalegrenzi_ on behalf of Salone del Mobile. Through extensive data collection and analysis involving numerous data holders and stakeholders, the team developed a complex and multi-dimensional mapping of the Milan Design System. This analysis addressed critical themes such as mobility, the educational system, circularity, and the socio-cultural and economic impact of the event on the city.
A special thanks goes to @isaloniofficial, Maria Porro, the Mayor of @comune_milano @beppesala, and the President of @regionelombardia.official @fontanaufficiale for embracing and supporting this project. Thanks to the dean of Politecnico di Milano Donatella Sciuto, the districts of Milano Design Week, professional and trade associations, all the data holders who generously shared their data and insights, and the more than 130 stakeholders who actively participated in the working groups. On the Salone del Mobile website, you can watch the presentation of the report, which took place on November 28 at the Piccolo Teatro Grassi and included a keynote speech by Charles Landry and where you can download the report for free.
    4 weeks ago
  • On Monday 18 November, the exhibition “L’Italia dei Brevetti: invenzioni e innovazione di successo” (Italy of Patents: successful inventions and innovations) was inaugurated at Palazzo Piacentini in Rome at the headquarters of @mimit_gov, in the presence of Minister Adolfo Urso.

The exhibition is divided into seven thematic sections ranging from patents dedicated to mobility to those for infrastructure and renewable energy, from those relating to agriculture and the sea to those relating to space and manufacturing industry.

Each section includes three types of inventions:

“The roots of invention”, dedicated to historical patents obtained from the end of the 19th century to approximately 1980;

“The sprouts of invention”, inventions that will change the country and companies in the future;

“The branches of invention”, focused on the patents that are accompanying the development of our companies.

Curated by @carlo.martino and @zurlo_f .
The curatorial team also includes @danimaurer_dm and @contemarta.98 

The exhibition is open to the public on weekends until March 2025.

#litaliadeibrevetti #exhibition #designstrategies #designplusstrategies #designresearch #strategicdesign
    1 month ago
  • At the end of October, the Interreg Central Europe Project HERCULES-CE, was officially launched in Berlin. This project aims to enhance the energy transition in 7 countries from Central Europe by supporting renewable energy communities (RECs) and fostering local stakeholder engagement through a co-design approach. Our team @carla_sedini, Silvia D'Ambrosio and @filippo_parolini_ contributed by organizing a participatory workshop to start stakeholder mapping for both existing and future RECs. Thanks to DGRV for hosting the meeting in Berlin, thanks to lead partner @regione_emiliaromagna, and to all the partners STRIA, Forschung Burgenland, ECIPA, ThEGA, DGRV, Wojewodztwo Lubelskie, Mazowiecka Agencja Energetyczna, Enviros, Hradecky Venkov in contributing to the activities.

#strategicdesign #designplusstrategies #designculture #research #design
    1 month ago
  • The first book from our research group, Strategic (Multiverse) Design, is finally out! 

Chapter 01, “Strategic Design: Where We Are Nowadays”, is written by @f_zurlo, who is also one of the two editors of the book. Find out more in the post.

The book is now available on Amazon 📚

#StrategicMultiformDesign #MaggioliEditore #strategicdesign #businessdesign #designstrategies #designplusstrategies #research #design
    1 month ago
  • Recently, we launched two new projects financed by European Union research programmes.
Today, we would like to introduce R-evolve, a project consisting of 23 partners from academia, industries, cluster associations and federations, which aims to promote a tangible sustainable transition in the furniture industry. Within the project, we will work on defining and applying Circular Economy Business Models and Circular Product Design Strategies, building a bridge between the two, and between theory and practice. Two weeks ago, we had the opportunity to meet the partners and define the work plan for the coming months and 4 years, but also to exchange ideas and have fun together.
We can't wait to start and collaborate with different realities!

#strategicdesign #designplusstrategies #designculture #research #design #sustainability #transition #furniture
    1 month ago
  • The world is facing unprecedented social changes. Design and the designer can play a crucial role in these new contemporary challenges through a systemic, interdisciplinary approach and to the ability to see and read contexts. Thus, it becomes vital to understand how new designers can be trained on these approaches and to address these new challenges to foster the necessary skills.
@zurlo_f, @effe_colombo and @ @xuepei006 address this topic within the chapter “The Role of Design in Addressing Contemporary Social Challenges: How to Train the Designers of the Future.”

Learn more by visiting our website and reading the chapter!

#strategicdesign #designplusstrategies #designculture #research #design
    2 months ago
  • Transforming the contract furniture sector from product-centered to service-oriented through the ACTAS project!

ACTAS (Advancing Contract Furniture through Design-Driven Servitization Strategies toward sustainable transition: activating, testing and adopting) is a project funded by the PNRR - MICS (Spoke 2) that aims to develop design-driven processes, methods and tools to help companies in the contract furniture sector meet the challenges of sustainability by transforming their offerings.
Through an innovative design process it is possible to design the steps of the company's sustainable transition, defining the most appropriate strategies, as well as the products, services and systems that can help the company along this path.

If you are interested in the project and want to take part in it visit our website or email us!
#strategicdesign #designplusstrategies #designculture #research #design #sustainability #transition #furniture
    2 months ago