
October 2019 – April 2022


Provide the cultural and technical bases to define and manage innovation processes in the products and services fields


The project, performed through a course, is the first part of a process of company growth that leads to support the design to technological expertise passing from a dynamic strongly oriented to the optimisation of the process and the technical part of the projects to a more open and transversal consulting capacity.

REsearch area

• Design in Organization


• Design Thinking
• Service Design
• Strategic Design
• Envisioning


D+S People


Venanzio Arquilla
Cabirio Cautela
Federica Caruso
Elena Marengoni
Federico Nunziata
Chiara Parise

Main objective

The aim is to provide advanced theoretical and practical knowledge about design thinking and User Experience Design in its historical evolution. Moreover, participants learn and share good practices for the management and evaluation of the impact of design on projects of technological and digital innovation (Strategic Design, Design Management, Service Design). The contents are developed to push businesses to start innovating, creating and measuring new digital strategies.

Main activities

The course is a mix of theoretical lectures, group exercises and the development of a project with a real client. Each key topic of the course is delivered through theoretical lectures and explored in depth with additional literature resources written by the team. Subsequently, the participants must concretely apply what they have developed, first in internal groups and then individually with a real client to test and measure the benefits of the new methodological approach.
