
March 2022 – June 2022

Economia della Bellezza – Banca IFIS

Development of future scenarios for the domestic and mechanics field, identifying the related professional figures for the future.


The project was realized within the broader context of Economia della Bellezza, a study by Banca Ifis that analyses companies with two characteristics: operating in the Italian-made Beauty sector and with a purpose-driven approach. Specifically, the project focused on two productive sectors: the Home System and the Mechanic field; respectively selected for its strong connection with design and the opportunities of a circular economy approach, and for its relevance for the Italian productive system and potential of innovation.

REsearch area

• Cross-Fertilization


• Strategic Design
• Envisioning

immagine 1

Main objective

The first aim was to imagine how the two sectors would evolve in 2030, considering trends and emerging needs. At the same time, it was relevant to understand whether and how this transformation could be purpose-driven, considering the six main areas of business purpose: gender equality, sustainability, worker well-being, participation and democratization, territory and local community, generational diversity. The consequent aim was to understand which professional figures – and related skills - would be needed to face this transformation, and to make the identified sector evolution possible.

Main activities

The project started with trend research in the Home System and Mechanic sector. Relevant case studies were collected to validate the identified trends and highlight potential applications. In the next phase, 16 students from the Design School of Politecnico di Milano were involved to develop future scenarios: narratives representing a hypothesis of what might happen in 2030 within the two analysed contexts. Finally, the professional figures of tomorrow – needed to implement the proposed scenarios – were identified. The related key competencies were defined, starting from existing skills and professional paths, to understand how these future workers could and should be trained.
