
2015 - 2021 | Master of science – in the School of Management - First Semester

Design Management Lab


The course is a unique journey, aimed at developing capabilities and skills to be handle design-driven innovation, to manage design-related trade-offs, to mould scenarios of innovation and configure new product-service systems and business models.


• Strategic Design
• Service Design
• Envisioning

Research Topic

• Design in Organization
• Design for Sustainability Transition


In the last 20 years, Design has been considered a strategic mean able to create innovation leaderships, unique positioning, competitive advantages of worldwide leading global companies. In this course, design is approached: i) with a strategic worth (not just technical), where it informs the organization strategic path and the value creation dynamics; ii) related to a product-service system (and not only tangible offering), where the integration between tangible and intangible offering contribute to create value and differentiation; iii) as a set of cognitive and visualization tools useful to conceive and visualize business model innovations. More specifically, the course aims at enabling student to:

  • Understand the “soft side” of competition and organizations competitive advantages;
  • Understand the semiotic soul of products and brands;
  • Open the perspective to increase the range of innovation opportunities through design;
  • Employ creativity tools to shape innovation trajectories and identify innovative scenarios;
  • Understand how to (when and why) apply user analysis qualitative tools;
  • Use storytelling and visualization techniques to champion the innovation within and without (with stakeholders) the organization boundaries.
The course is entirely based on developing an innovative project, with a brief provided by a company. Classes are based on team-based and individually-based interactions with the instructor and his assistants.


Cabirio Cautela
Roberto Verganti

teaching assistants

Daniel Trabucchi
Paola Bellis
Federico Zasa