
Design for Sustainability Transitions


Design guides the sustainability transitions of communities, institutions and companies by promoting innovation and transforming consumption, production and organisational systems. The approach and capabilities of strategic design consider the entire ecosystem by involving all stakeholders in the transition process to explore environmentally, socially and economically sustainable solutions.

  • Applies a systemic approach: to be effective with strategic design actions, complex problems are defined and tackled starting from real contexts, with a particular focus on the urban environment. The identified solutions consider the whole system, including human and non-human stakeholders.

  • Integrates 'business' with environmental and social aspects: the development of business solutions must always go together with the well-being of society and the environment (people+planet+profit).

  • Use a participatory approach: engaging stakeholders and communities in co-creation processes facilitating their encounter and collaboration. Co-creation and co-design workshops might lead to empowerment processes and solution-oriented strategies.

  • Supports with design methods and tools: to provide people with dedicated and practical (systemic) design guides and tools.

  • Envisions multiple futures: using scenario building in defining the steps necessary to achieve and provide effective and sustainable solutions for a preferable/desirable future.

Discover projects

Define the characteristics and parameters of an e-learning course for workers in the furniture sector in Italy

A joint research experience on Civic Design looked according to local and hybrid economy experiences, social innovation and inclusion.

A multidisciplinary approach to study the walkability and pedestrian mobility in the city of Milan for the elderly

Supporting the cooperative Universes in the development process of services and value communication.

Create Indian design professionals with a holistic and multi-disciplinary vision through modern education.