
2017 – Ongoing

Osservatorio Design Thinking for Business

This observatory aims to bring together a group of companies willing to exchange views on the recent evolutions of Design Thinking


The Observatory aims to be the reference point for the community of innovators who adopt pioneering approaches such as Design Thinking in creating value for their companies, researching new practices and wanting to be in the right networks.

D+S Team is involved in the scientific committee and in the research team of this Observatory.

REsearch area

• Design in Organization


• Design Thinking
• Envisioning


D+S People


Cabirio Cautela
Claudio Dell’Era
Stefano Magistretti
Roberto Verganti

Main objective

The objective is to bring together a group of companies interested in exchanging views on recent developments in Design Thinking, bringing together the potential but also the weak points of this approach to become a strong and updated reference point for all Design Thinkers. The results of the research carried out by the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Design Department and PoliHub will be useful to all innovation and design leaders.

Main activities

The Observatory Design Thinking for Business develops several initiatives in order to present research results and expand the Design Thinkers Community:
  • Three different formats: Clubs, Jams and Labs;
  • Build a compass that enables firms in fostering innovation through Design Thinking;
  • Developing Booklets and Reports showing the research results;
  • During the research year, disseminate partial research results through webinars and articles.
D+S Team is part of the research group of the observatory.
