
More than human trading zones in design research and pedagogy


How might rich, critical and nuanced concepts from Science and Technology Studies (STS) be integrated into art and design practice? Conversely, how might methodologies from art and design practice be introduced into STS? What hybrid languages, images and objects might populate these porous boundaries between these fields? Who thrives at the margins (Rosner, 2018) making lives and livelihood in regions that are not well understood? Will these spaces continue to be reconfigured, re-populated and reimagined as sites of experimentation or will they ultimately break down and fade away? This chapter argues for continuing the difficult work at the crossroads of STS and design.


Forlano, L., & Sedini, C. (2021). More than human trading zones in design research and pedagogy. In (a cura di): H. Star Rogers, M. Halpern, D. Hannah, K. de Ridder-Vignone, The Routledge handbook of art, science & technology studies. p.198-213, Routledge International Handbooks. ISBN 9781138347304.


Laura Forlano