
Materials for SDGs: A Synergy Towards Sustainable Development


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a tangible and holistic vision of sustainable development, embodying a systemic vision that integrates environmental, social, and economic aspects. By adopting such a systemic vision, designers can drastically reduce the negative impact of their products. Materials represent a design element capable of influencing the entire life cycle of a product. Indeed, in the last decade there has been a frenetic race towards greener materials, focusing mostly on the environmental aspects of sustainability and neglecting economic and social dimensions. This paper aims to investigate a new thread of thought regarding sustainability within the design process, analysing the connections between SDGs and materials. The result is a taxonomy of materials that meet the SDGs and enhance their relationships by offering designers a new approach to sustainable material selection and development.


Santi, R., Sossini, L., Italia, M., D’Ambrosio, S., Zurlo, F., & Del Curto, B. (2022). Materials for SDGs: A Synergy Towards Sustainable Development. diid, 76, 102–113.


Romina Santi
Lia Sossini
Barbara Del Curto