
July 2018 – October 2018

House of the Future for Panasonic

Redefining the meaning of the house in the future, identifying related scenarios and concepts.


The house has always had a central role in the life of the people, assuming different meanings influenced by culture, geography, and socio-technological trends. Nowadays, social and technological phenomena determine fundamental changes in how we all live and the meaning we attribute to the house. Therefore, for a company like Panasonic, it’s important to understand what the future vision of the house and the related needs of the people can be to offer solutions that meet them.

REsearch area

• Design in Organization
• Cross-Fertilization


• Strategic Design
• Envisioning


D+S People


Michele Brunello
Claudio Dell’Era
Valentina Lollio
Francesco Lucchese
Lorenzo Pellagatta
Bryan Sabin
Fabio Venturini
Roberto Verganti
Kazunari Suzuki

Main objective

The project has two aims. The first one is to create a Panasonic original house vision for the next future (5/10 years), redefining the meanings of the domestic environment and therefore identifying design directions where the company can exploit its technological expertise in lighting, sound, and HVAC solution. The second one is to foster a design culture and the adoption of a design methodology within the company through the active involvement of the management team during the whole process.

Main activities

The project is divided in three phases.
  1. Research and Analysis: trend research and personas definition;
  2. Envisioning and Interpretation: definition of visions through narratives consistent with trends and user identified, then the interpretation of the visions thanks to the involvement of experts from different fields;
  3. Conceptualization: concept generation workshop involving external experts from various fields (architects, entrepreneurs).
The whole process is conducting involving the management and design team of the company, in a co-creation and “learning by doing” perspective.
