
Designing acculturated phygital experiences


The aim of this paper is to highlight the cultural implications that a designer should take into account in designing phygital experiences.
One of the aim of the research was to clarify the broader meaning of culture and the implications and consequences occurring when different cultures meet.
The research was conducted in the three dimensions of interaction: the physical, the digital and the phygital one. In the physical dimension the cultural component evident; in the digital one was strongly reduced; finally, for the phygital dimension the cultural component seems plays and will play a major role.
The investigation leads to notice how a redefinition of products, experiences and processes of interaction is required.
Indeed, as designers, the challenge is to reposition the user at the center of the process. The technology is embedded in products and spaces and takes on different and unexpected combinations when it interacts with users.
The structure almost disappears, the technological components are mostly embedded, and the communicative and interactive elements increase. An era of conversational interfaces, products and spaces is coming. This will use different formats and will follow new rules in relation to a renewed way of use and a different acceptance by users.


Zurlo, F., Arquilla, V., Carella, G., & Tamburello, M. C. (2018). Designing acculturated phygital experiences. Diffused Transition & Design Opportunities. In Cumulus Conference Proceedings Wuxi 2018: Diffused Transition & Design Opportunities. (pp 156-168) ISBN 978-952-60-0091-6


Venanzio Arquilla
Maria Cristina Tamburello