
Creativity and Culture for Territorial Innovation


In the following chapter we will highlight the actions conducted within the framework of a European project called CCAlps (Creative Companies in Alpine Space). To shed light on this first year of work on CCAlps, we will discuss the theoretical premises, which are at the basis of the research project. In the first section, we divided the theoretical approach into three main points of interest that are central for the CCAlps research plan including: creative and cultural industries, policies for the territorial development, and networking strategies. In the following sections we delve deeper into the theories and activities, which characterised the approach developed to reach the main goals of the project.


Sedini, C. Vignati, A. & Zurlo, F. (2015). Creativity and Culture for the Territorial Innovation. In: (a cura di): Hugo Pinto, Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development. p. 177-194, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, ISBN: 9781443872300


Arianna Vignati